Myspecialist accompanied me in the renovation of my rental property. This first experience allowed me to appreciate the quality of the network and the choice was quickly made when they advised me to entrust them with the management of my leases. My manager takes care of all my relations with the tenants: management of the rents, of the various works within the building, of the inventory of fixtures and of the necessary maintenance after the end of a lease... Thanks to his help, I can free up much more time for my personal projects. (Posted on July 30, 2021 for the service Rental Manager)

Since I have been working with a rental manager, I save a lot of time and energy in managing my relations with my tenants. He manages for me the various questions, organizes the interventions to be made and ensures the follow-up of the rents. He is therefore the privileged interlocutor of my tenants and I no longer need to manage everything at my level. Of course, this is a service that I recommend for any rental property owner. (Posted on October 26, 2021 for the Rental Manager service)